The next problem is how to find out the best group of their interest category? Which groups to join? How to know which group is interesting? Which group does not have spam messages?
To answer all such questions Yahoo! India has added a PA (Personal Assistant) button for Groups on its home page at http://yahoo.in/.
If you are logged-in on the page; the PA button will show you all the groups that you are member of and if you are not logged-in then it will show you featured groups. Featured groups are groups short-listed by Yahoo! after proper screening to give you a wonderful and spam free groups experience.
So if you want to add some interesting groups in your kitty, just visit the Yahoo! home page and find out the group of your choice and let those interesting emails flowing in.
To answer all such questions Yahoo! India has added a PA (Personal Assistant) button for Groups on its home page at http://yahoo.in/.
If you are logged-in on the page; the PA button will show you all the groups that you are member of and if you are not logged-in then it will show you featured groups. Featured groups are groups short-listed by Yahoo! after proper screening to give you a wonderful and spam free groups experience.
So if you want to add some interesting groups in your kitty, just visit the Yahoo! home page and find out the group of your choice and let those interesting emails flowing in.
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