Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Twitter Twitter All you Stars

Wondering what all others from your industry are doing all the time?

Twitterpacks is the answer. Twitterpack is nothing but a wiki to collect all the like minded twitterers together. Wikis are editable page that you can create, and then all the twitterers in your pack can add information, edit it any time they want and the same will be informed to all other twitterers via email. Every twitterer has the same power on the pack so it’s everyone individual responsibility to police it. The best part is once you join a pack, you can follow all the twitteres in one go via Autopack.

You can categorize the packs by topic, location, company, events or identity.

Thanks to Connie Bensen for creating one for Community Managers. If you want to join the please follow her blog post.


Unknown said...

Thanks Shefali for sharing the links!

Shefali Gaur said...

You are welcome Connie.

thanks for creating all the communities for community managers - helps us to connect with each other across the globe :)


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