I don’t claim any expertise on blogging; I have just started blogging myself; but I am reading a lot on blogging these days and have figured out couple of ways to make your blog successful and attracting more readers to your blog.
I am courageous enough to post this as my first post here and have not acquired any readership myself but what the heck, even if one point help someone – my time is worth spent in writing this post.First thing is first; why on earth you want to create a blog? It could be any of the following:
a) For having a huge Internet presence
b) Because it’s a FAD
c) Convey your ideas to the world
d) Discuss various topics with the experts across the globe
e) Share – Link, Pictures, Travel Tips, Poems
f) Building your community on any topic
g) For your passion of a subject
You have one or many such objectives; my question is – do you want to create multiple blogs. According to me; not a great idea – if you are doing full justice to the single blog that you are maintaining well – kudos to you. Keeping a blog active and updated with interesting content is a job in itself. So I would suggest; create one single blog and with the help of various online tools and widgets available free of cost (yippee!!) try to maintain your blog catering to all your objectives.
Not to mention; Posting regularly and keep the interest of users up is of supreme importance; refer the link for some handy tips.
Now, once the blog is created and being maintained as per your requirements; the next big issue is promoting the blog to increase the readership and getting the right kind of audience visiting your blog for the healthy discussion that you are looking at.
I believe (solely my opinion); there are couple of ways by which you can promote your blog:
a) Social Bookmarking sites:
i) Mybloglog
ii) Delicious
b) Microblog about your blog on sites like:
i) Twitter
ii) Utterz
iii) Seesmic
c) Integrate your blog with social networks like:
i) Facebook
ii) MySpace
iii) Technorati
Once you have created your reader community and you get to know couple of interesting people make your own community using Yahoo! Groups or any other community building tool and you are all set.
Get the ball rolling with lots of interesting posts and your blog is a hit!!
That is quite handy information for any one who is starting up with the world of bloging. It’s seriously a vast space and plenty of options are available to pen your ideas and share it with the whole world in fornt of you.
Have a nice day :)
Interesting tips.. but i think that blogging is more than just a fad...
Hi Alok,
Totally agree with you and I am also one of those who has just started blogging so learning on the job :)
Hi K10,
Thanks for your comment. Indeed, blogging is much more than a FAD I have just written some of the many reasons for which people start blogging
Have a nice day guys!! :)
Excellent Start !! Keep Up The Good Work ...
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